Songs Available


And what an experience! Kim's joyful approach and exuberant personality will make your coaching session a fun and rewarding event. Invite Kim to your workshops, retreats, or regional events and you'll have an experience to remember!  Remember, it is customary for the client to pay any travel expenses, if required.

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Sweet Adelines International, Harmony Inc. and the Barbershop Harmony Society have been enjoying Kim's talents for some time.

And what an experience! Her joyful approach and exuberant personality will make your coaching session a rewarding event--not only can you hone your skill with some top-notch talent, but you can have fun in the processs. Workshops, retreats, and regional/district extended sessions are negotiable.

It is customary for the client to pay any travel expenses, if required.

Kim's Online Store

Welcome to the New Online Store.

All the songs you see here are available for purchase on a CD or for download from this site.   Registration for a free account is required at checkout.  After you register & complete the checkout process, you will receive an email with instructions for downloading the song(s) or with an estimated ship date for the CD(s).  Happy Browsing!!